max papworth - sws racer and his story

max papworth via Instagram: @max_papworth_racing

“i have been racing for about 5 years after starting karting at Brentwood karting and this will be my 3rd attempt at the sodi world finals

my first attempt at lonato didn’t go so well as i struggled to adapt to the challenges of racing in Europe. however i managed to bring home a podium in final 4 which was a consolation!

in 2022, i didn’t originally qualify for the world finals in Paris, however i was offered a spot with just a month to go as another competitor dropped out.

in paris i managed to improve massively on lonato scoring top 10 in the heats and putting myself right at the front of the c final, unfortunately it all came apart in the final as my kart failed on me leaving me second from last

“i like the sws and sodikart because they offer drivers who have a smaller budget a chance to compete on a world championship level against some of the best drivers in the world

hopefully this year in Bratislava is max’s year - wishing him all the best and we will catch up with him during and after the series is over!


sws Bratislava - 05 - 08 july 2023


gridline racing brand new sodi lr5 karts - Lincoln